Socialism Is Not a Bad Word

Anytime I hear anyone mention socialism in a negative way I must speak up. I love socialism and capitalism together.

If you are against socialism you are against the military, police, firemen, public universities, public schools, the roads and highways we drive on, state parks, national parks, Medicare, the Smithsonian, the CDC, all law enforcement agencies, and on and on. I LOVE socialism AND capitalism together, and I’m going to be vocal about it! I love Amazon, Target, my local stores and small businesses WITH my publicly owned businesses. I want them both! They work great together!

Anytime anyone mentions socialism in a negative way, tell them to pull their kids out of public schools, stop driving on the roads, and get out a bucket when their home is on fire because the socialist fire department isn’t coming to their house!

Socialism and capitalism working together is a great thing and I’m going to fight to combat this ridiculous ignorance. If you don’t like socialism, get off the roads. Socialism and capitalism are a huge part of America.

When someone complains about socialism they sound like an ignorant fool who doesn’t know what they are talking about parroting some politician who is pandering for their vote. Don’t be a fool. This internet that you are on right now came from government owned and funded universities – socialism. Socialism in balance with capitalism is a great thing.

(I originally posted this on Facebook)

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