Where Do We Find Strength?

What do you think of when I say “strong and invincible”? Does it conjure up images of superheroes and mighty warriors?

Why is it that we excessively honor, praise, and salute physical dominance when this quality is only one patch on our quilt? Our quilt is beautiful and strong because of its diversity.

How about the engineer designing the perfect bridge that will last hundreds of years?

How about the teacher who responds to the hurt and pain of a disruptive student with love and compassion, ultimately helping the student to transform over time into a valued member of the classroom family, which changes the trajectory of this student’s life?

How about the surgeon who is so dedicated to their craft that their patients thrive compared to the norm?

How about the activist who peacefully fights to create opportunity and hope for others?

How about the writer who asks us to think about things in new ways and changes our world for the better?

How about the mother and father who embrace caring for their child completely?

Why is it that we excessively honor, praise, and salute physical dominance when this quality is only one patch on the quilt?

I fatigue of the flag waving that is only in support of violence. We have a safe and beautiful country because of police officers, soldiers, politicians, activists, protesters, scientists, engineers, doctors, teachers, writers, mothers and fathers, voters, and the millions of others who are working for peace. We can evolve to understand this simple truth. We can evolve to respect each other in our various roles.

Our quilt is vast and diverse. I celebrate those in every arena who are working for peace.

It is our respect and love for each other that is our real strength. This is what should be celebrated every day.

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